Strengthening the livelihood initiative for home-based workers in SAARC Region- SABAH (Phase I & II)

About the Project

Credit: @homenetsouthasiatrust

There are more than 100 million home-based workers (HBWs) in the world, of which around 50 percent are in South Asia alone where they form a fast-growing part of the workforce.

Of these workers, an estimated 80 percent are women.

The SAARC Development Fund (SDF) has been firmly committed to empowering HBWs by supporting them to improve and diversify their skills, train them in consolidated customized product and design development, and educate them in marketing skills.

The project on women’s empowerment ‘Strengthening the Livelihood Initiative of Home-based Workers in SAARC Region’ was awarded to Home Net South Asia (HNSA) and Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) for implementation in all SAARC countries, except India.

Project Objectives

  • To build a strong supply chain and to generate employment, 
  • Build a social business organization i.e. SAARC Business Association for Home-based Workers (SABAH) in each Member State and strengthen marketing power; 
  • Promote development and inclusive growth through sharing experiences, 
  • Build a model of empowerment of women through crafts making and marketing and 
  • Deepen relationship among the SAARC Member States based on learning and sharing. 

Start Date: 1-Aug-2008                

Project Budget : US $   21,075,821

Status: Completed

Participating Countries

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

Beneficiary: Marginalized home-based women workers from informal sectors in the SAARC Members States, except India.

Major Activities:

  • Capacity Building 
  • Establishment of Trade Facilitation Centers 
  • Business Development