If this is too much, then a small step back is to get your VEaccreditation, this is not as hard as it sounds it is just an hour or two with a pdf manual and an open book test that is sent in to the VEC. I believe there areat least I remember some guy talking about one up in Canada. The National Association for Amateur Radio ]t tq%HR/@+Q_5789n~5KF 6 hard on learning CW. By A LDS Ham's Log. I have had a radio (swan 500) since I was 10 BUT My goal is to help people become active, capable hams, which means I go beyond merely whats needed to answer the test questions. For those HF Operators with an interest, the Mercury Amateur Radio Association Northeast Chapter is running a weekly HF Net on 3872.5 KHz every Saturday Morning. Though I have been part of 6M, 10M, and HF nets as well. ;))IBBD#'(+J Xft\k5HE TidjB9 L1) And both of you can check into the net from the same radio. It should get you there. There isnt a central organizing body for this that I know of. One focus of the directory is toward public-service oriented nets that support the ARRL National Traffic System (NTS) and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES). Using both of the latter options is how I was able to get my feet wet and get on the air when I did not own a radio myself. Posted on October 30, 2010 by ki4rex. . We have a net on the 146.88 repeater every Wednesday night at 1930 (local) (7:30pm). Below is a list of HF nets available to local Ham's with the right equipment. In my stake I am one of two emergency communications specialists, and in each ward there is a ward specialist. West Virginia DMR net TG 3154 7:30PM EST. There are several ways to help out your Stake, Ward, Branch or other LDS unit. This is because that you can have a Voice Over IP (VoIP) conversation computer to computer, very similar to Skype and other services that are out there. Thanks so much for the work you have done all ready. To use Echolink as a standalone tool, you would install the application on your unlicensed, and preferably as many licensed hams in your Unit that can/will. In this installment we will discuss;Excuse #2 I cant afford a radio! I can empathise Continue reading . The Granada Hills California Stake (organized in 1936) was discontinued and the seven wards in the former stake were reassigned to the Canoga Park California Stake or the North Hollywood California Stake.The Church has had a long-term trend of stake discontinuations in California since the 1990s. Just found this . The Ham Hub. Your suggestions along this line will be greatly appreciated. qUPa 7Aa[mkx7{oQ:(xDAX-n42as(S)Jp9YrUtmxj>) #GX\}!i{EM( !%?Qh6[}`\?W;Ks r'6bl,lj:'}$`fhBKwt7AC4LX0Dm@:c@",=iG4Vr3mF;'=iOwjw8)rD_ QP 4GD "rp|7jBMEiM'Evdx2[ fuL&lCJY*x;9I%-dzrz~uaRxmTa|\-Wsf}If(^g?9[o2f 8I|Tdm2*\vKm@z'6B#Q\%EG\^$)o&2hl} c~Bj7j^/j]Y4|LM}>;mt>_7},v9*yWR_*KT/iqy5. rodheadlee These are usually done on 2M FM Simplex. The telephone system is designed and built to handle a specified number of calls at any given time, usually between 10 and 15% of its subscribers. Ive done both of these and it does make a difference. Worldwide coverage nets and maritime service nets are featured (as are National Traffic System Area and Region Nets) in the database. Held daily on 7.093 Mhz on 40m, at 0700 UTC. part2, LDS; Ham Radio; LDS Ham Radio; Emergency Preparation; Emergency Communications; Mormon Ham Radio. We know their advantages, but some of their weaknesses need some explanation. 3995 usually has severe QRN suggest 3992.5, Your email address will not be published. know they wont. Genealogy, Book of Mormon culture and geography, Biochemistry. Emergency Response Communications Net for the Logan Storehouse Area- Any help you might give in setting up a off grid repeater would be much appreciated. Second Monday of the month. Central Alberta ARES Net, linked to SARA network: LDS Net: 146.61 (VE6OIL) 20:30 Sunday: LDS Net: CAARC: 146.61 (VE6OIL) 20:00 Monday: Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club Monday night net: CARA Caratels Net: 146.850 FM (VE6RYC) 13:00 Tuesday: CARA's weekly midday net held on the VE6RYC repeater. Disclaimer: SMARC provides this list of nets for informational purposes only. Oh, and since the EU is lead by idiots who passed the GDPR, we want you know we use browser based cookies to make your experience awesome. Anyone is welcome to join. At some point I should make some videos on other topics, like how to tune an HF station, etc. The roundtable continues for 45 minutes and the official net kicks off at 07:15 Eastern Time. It is so exciting when things start to fall into place. There is no requirement for any specific radio or service. Canadian Ladies Amateur Radio Association (CLARA) Net: https://clarayl.ca/nets/. KARS Club Net (Kootenai Amateur Radio Society) Daily at 6:30 p.m. Pacific Time on these Linked repeaters: 146.980, - offset, 127.3 tone (Mica Peak, ID) 443.975, + offset, 136.5 tone . Learn More, The RTTY Roundup, EME contest and Sweepstakes--just to name a few. Good point. 10828 Littlerock Road SW, Olympia 98512. Before I was able to afford that radio I used tow methods to be able to fulfill my calling as a ward communicator. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. part 2, LDS; Ham Radio; LDS Ham Radio; Emergency Preparation; Emergency Communications; Mormon Ham Radio. Every good LDS unit net needs to know how to hold a simplex net. While this is effective, I do not believe it is the end all solution, to succeed we need to excite some electrons and get our Units hams on the air. Plus it would be over simplifying the issue. endstream endobj 570 0 obj <>stream Now I just had the stake emergency director call me and tell me he wanted me to set 1100. All other nights is the Mike and Key Social Net. \6AQWkrM{% There is no requirement for any specific radio or service. x%EDZm i6i)u81oN Did not ask about any amplifiers,VHF,UHF, or digital but assume they have everything. Linked Repeater System. Option #3: Loaner Radios Even better operating someone elses gear at their station, but not to be expected, is operating someone elses gear at your station. Funny I did pass all my tests up to advanced (just memorized the questions) but couldnt The Riverland Radio Club's BRL Net was previously held on Saturday morning on 40m and Wednesday night on 80m. Right now fighting with my son (an eagle scout) to get his tech and see if we could find a few Once again, if you have comments, suggestions, or questions, share them in the comments section. My brother was a member but he has since passed away. There are many Amateur Radio (Ham) frequencies allotted for Amateur use. OARS, the Olympia Amateur Radio Society, is an ARRL Special Service Club dedicated to promoting and supporting Amateur Radio in the Olympia Washington area as well as all of Thurston County.. Feb 5 2023: Until further notice, the monthly meeting will be in person at the West Thurston Fire & Rescue (Littlerock Fire Station) District headquarters. FT 1200 or a FT 450. Date&Time: Weekday Mornings at 7:10AM local 220 MHz Weekly Net Sponsored by the SWIARC: Repeater: 223.94 MHz Date&Time: Wednesdays at 20:00 Local 6 Meter Net Sponsored by the SWIARC: Repeater: WA9WSJ, 52.62 MHz Date&Time: Sundays at 20:00 Local New Hams Net: Repeater: W7VOI, 444.900 MHz Date&Time: Wednesday Mornings at 11:00 AM local All Amateur Radio operators are welcome to participate in the net. A Ham Cram session is a one day session where the question pool is reviewed at a fast pace, to prepare the participants for the exam, which usually follows the session. click here for steps to add a calendar to your device. TN @Ih9(BM5Pq vY8ZV-X6pBhp+N#0NxDea KAi:*51?:K2~ox0D,'%>f++?|IW>{#vGd:=pE8*uK/8t%2p ?P{K https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGoJafigJgg. Why we need our operators operating, if they do not have radios, and you do not have the resources for them to travel to get on, or others to travel to them, then you will still need a way to get them over MIC Fright and used to operating in a net. I got my wife to pass her tech and I got a Kenwood (I was close at 21 wpm but not even at 13?) The Church discontinued another stake in California. Denton - LDS Net 9:00 pm - 9:00 pm K5LRK . IRLP node 9259 on the Western Reflector is primarily for LDS ERC-ECS use. It is run by active hams and they have frequent emergency test' and most areas in Utah and Idaho run weekly vhf nets to test communication capabilities. This takes the concept to the next level and gets your hams used to having to pull that weak 2M Simplex signal out of the static, and static itself as well. LDS First Sunday Evening Net To encourage new hams to become active, and to help new hams to become comfortable with their equipment, I hold a "First Sunday" evening net to gather as many LDS (Mormon) hams together in the Ouray, Montrose, Delta, and Gunnison County areas. Thanks KJ6BV Jay. It is run by active hams and they have frequent emergency test' and most areas in Utah and Idaho run weekly vhf nets to test communication capabilities. 1820 MTN. The net is open to all. But, you are not a new ham and still want to serve. 147.225 in Cape Coral. We call it Emergency Response Communications (ERC). hmk0>nN($mnbRwt~wEE:=)XP@)b92@ec I participate in one, but it's stake-wide and uses 2 meter simplex. You could setup a multi-week series of lessons for the various license classes, or a Ham Cram session. Rocky Mountain (MARA) Net : 3.920 (Saturdays 7:30 am) SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network) SSB: 14.265 (Monday through Saturday 6:00 to 7:00 am MDT) Digital: 14.066 (Saturday 7:00 to 8:00 am MDT) Scotty's Roundtable 7.204 (Daily 9:00 pm) Tailgaters Net : 3.916 (Sunday through Friday 7:30 to 9:00 pm) It might be a Hy-Gain TH6-DXX antenna with some other antenna stacked above it. Class of license, gear, and availability. Your email address will not be published. >So youve had your license for a while, what can you do. As soon as I passed my General exam, I got my VE credentials, just to assist with the testing sessions. Love it. Why I know those that are in my units ERC group, and maybe some from the Stake or region, I dont need or want to meet more radio amateurs. It is part of the ERC system. Skip to content. It is par to the SoCal emergency prparedness network. Amateur means unpaid, it is the antonym for Professional. What do you think? If I remember correctly the antenna is a Force 12 and the transmitter is an Icom IC-7200. In this installment we will discuss;Excuse #2 I cant afford a radio!. So here I sit wondering which way to turn. Contact Tim . 224.520 in Fort Myers. 73! These are usually done on 2M FM Simplex. arizona ham net list and calendar plus ham events to get more local ham operators radioactive! The conversation will be light and casual. Alaska Statewide NET - 10:30pm CST TG 3100 Great guys and open to everyone. Net controllers are Tom, VK2KF, Tom VK4ATH, Ron VK5MRE, and Colin VK4PDX. If you can hear us then call net control, WB4FLM, Charlie. the whole powering and balance thing. MARA members now operate, on regular schedules, nearly fifty shortwave radio nets covering or linking regions and localities in the United States and Canada and on other continents as well. Though I have been part of 6M, 10M, and HF nets as well. Still real apprehensive about it. I do a little bit on 2 meters but not a lot. Now you have a why, when, where, and how, you just need a who. 145.59 Mhz. Posts about LDS Ham Radio written by ki4rex. Is it okay to refer people to your site to help with their studies? Neat place to visit no matter what your beliefs are. so I just lived with the tech . A Ham Cram session is a one day session where the question pool is reviewed at a fast pace, to prepare the participants for the exam, which usually follows the session. Below we've compiled a list of active weekly digital nets. It should get you there. 2m 147 390 000 (RB) FM: 19:30: America/New_York: S: 3149: TCARA Swap: Sun at 20:00 local ARES: 3rd TCARA Swap: Sun at 20:00 local ARES: 3rd Sun at 19:30: 2m 146 970 000 . So dont let not being able to run out and drop your hard earned money on a radio keep you inactive. This link is listed in our web site directory since Friday Jul 15 2005, and till today "Ham Radio HF Nets" has been followed for a total of 11745 times.So far received 23 votes for a total score of 6.00/10 !oaMs$X27lhu|p7FeJ6aaB+*%,F jq MQApA(m p`4Ko|6 `4|o Ive just dusted off the shack after years of not using it. 1820 MTN. About the different levels of amateur radio licenses; ACP 131(B) Q-Signals and Z-Signals; Amateur Extra Class Ham License On-Line Help for Your Self Study; Colorado Western Slope Repeaters